PopEntry Product Catalog

PopEntry Product Catalog

PopEntry Product Catalog These cutting-edge devices offer 100% touch-free temperature scanning with integrated health screening questionnaires, providing a seamless and safe experience for your employees and visitors. Optus also provides comprehensive software and...
PopEntry Brochure

PopEntry Brochure

PopEntry Brochure Introducing PopEntry+ by Optus – Your Touch-Free Screening Solution! Revolutionize your workplace’s health and safety protocols with our fully automated temperature-taking, facial recognition technology, and customizable health...
Major Department Store Retailer Case Study

Major Department Store Retailer Case Study

Major Department Store Retailer Case Study Optus: Enhancing Retail Connectivity and Security Revolutionizing the retail tech landscape, Optus stepped in to address a nationally recognized retail chain’s connectivity woes. With legacy Wi-Fi infrastructure causing...